Past Interns


Yusuf Okunola

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

The internship was a life-changing experience that improved my technical proficiency while also instilling in me the value of collaboration and good communication.

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

My personal growth in terms of organization, adaptability, and self-confidence were all influenced by the internship. I've learned the value of time management and flexibility in a work environment from managing project deadlines and communicating with the team. In addition to honing my research and communication skills, I've enhanced my programming abilities and received practical expertise with data analysis tools. Moreover, the exposure to real-world research project and collaboration with experts in the field has broadened my understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) applications and methodologies.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

The solid support system was a standout experience from the internship program. The internship lead and my team members were always there to offer advice and support when I felt like giving up during difficult tasks, assisting me in getting over challenges and developing professionally.

My internship's most memorable experience involved reading and digesting research papers. It was a rewarding journey using my abilities to decipher difficult ideas, boosting my self-assurance in successfully navigating academic literature. I clearly recall the process of gradually understanding the paper's main themes as I read it. This required spending a lot of time examining equations, figuring out complex processes, and making connections between various portions. Every "aha" moment, when I finally understood a key idea was incredibly fulfilling.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

To future interns, I'd say: embrace every opportunity to learn and grow. Be proactive, build connections, ask questions, and seek feedback. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; they're part of the learning process. Lastly, maintain a positive attitude, a strong work ethic.


Opegbemi Matthias Busoye

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

1. Enhanced Collaborative Skills

2. Improved Research Abilities

3. Gained Team Leadership Experience

4. Developed Effective Work Habits

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

This internship was a transformative learning experience that significantly impacted my professional journey. It bolstered my research capabilities and allowed me to develop valuable teamwork and leadership skills. Collaborating with an exceptional team fostered a spirit of cooperation that has been invaluable.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

One standout memory was during the challenging second month of the internship when I contemplated quitting. A heartfelt conversation with Dr. Judith provided the encouragement I needed to persevere and continue learning.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

Approach this internship with an open mind and a strong willingness to learn. Embrace feedback and corrections as opportunities for growth. It's a beautiful learning experience that can shape your future positively.


Owoeye Babatunde

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

The experience was a great one. I have always been eager to learn more. Especially in machine learning. The opportunity to work on a project and get feedback from seasoned academians is what I will always cherish. And various feedbacks that I got really helped enhance my ML research, team collaboration and analytical skills. Also I very much appreciate the opportunity to read recent research papers without having to pay a dime. 

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

Thank you for also teaching us how to read and get the most out of the seemingly overwhelming papers at first glance. The knowledge gained through reading the papers, asking questions and getting almost instant response is what I cannot forget. Thank you CLIMDES.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

Every moments was always worth it and are memorable. I think the one that I like the most was the presentation part. Where other teams got to present and also ask questions. This really helped us to not only think if what our individual team was working on, but also about other team and learned a lot through that. I love the peer learning part. 

I also love the fact that everyone were really interested in seeing us succeeding in our respective projects. Thank you very much. Shout out to Dr. Uyeh, Dr. Senopei, Judith and Abraham ahah! Thank you Abraham for not getting tired of my questions every now and then in his dm and in the group chat during the internship. 

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

I can remember I asked how I could get the most out of the internship during my interview with CLIMDES. I will tell them the same thing Abraham, as a former intern told me during the interview. "Get your hands dirty". I assure every one of them that the knowledge they are going to gain during the internship is going to useful forever.  Another thing is that they should ask a lot of questions. No question is too silly! Ask it ashamed. Ask it anyhow you can. It always pays.


Akomolafe Ayobami

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

First and foremost, I'd like to express my gratitude to SAIC and CLIMDES for the opportunity to participate in this internship programme. During the course of this six-month programme, I've learned a lot and have a lot of critical takeaways. One of the most important things I learned from this internship programme was how to effectively work with and lead a team. Throughout this internship programme, I was able to work with my team members, interact well, and at times assume the role of team leader. I was able to learn the intricacies of teamwork and team leadership as a result of this experience.

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

This internship programme has helped me learn how to do research from design to implementation and final research write-up because I was able to gain firsthand experience doing all of this throughout the internship programme. The capacity to conduct research in this manner is one that I value for both personal and professional development.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

Yes, there are several memories that stand out as memorable from the internship. I suppose one worth mentioning is the time when myself and teammates were confused on how to enhance the accuracy of our models, and we practically searched through multiple papers to see what might be done to improve the work. This incident reminded me that research does not always follow a clear path to completion.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

It will not always be easy, but it is achievable. Similarly, the growth process is often gradual, but quitting will not speed it up.


Mba Patience Chizoba

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

The internship experience introduced me to the core concept of being a research scientist and also helped me develop cross-functional collaborative skills.

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

Prior to the internship, I only knew how to develop one size-fits-all models, but thanks to the internship I have become more keen on experimental analysis towards model development.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

The monthly rotational leadership was always demanding. However, I was able to lead my team and understand how we could leverage our strengths and weaknesses to get the optimal team performance.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

Irrespective of your skill level, be willing to learn and re-learn. Give your 100% and watch your commitment speak for you.


Nwaneri Ifeanyi Vincent

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

My primary takeaways from the internship revolved around the real-world application of my data science skills and the invaluable feedback I received in pivotal areas like research outcomes, writing, and presentation methodologies. Moreover, engaging in collaborative initiatives and taking on rotational leadership responsibilities greatly enhanced my understanding of team dynamics, significantly improving both my leadership and communication faculties.

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

Professionally, the internship deepened my expertise in research writing and provided a sophisticated perspective on tackling data science dilemmas. Personally, it unveiled the transformative capabilities of technology in modernizing the agricultural sector, a revelation that expanded my viewpoints and kindled a profound passion and vigor in me.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

Among the various experiences, the biweekly meetings were particularly impactful. These sessions were more than just meetings; they were learning platforms where I would eagerly absorb expert advice, understand my colleagues' research insights, and get resolutions to any dilemmas I faced. Specifically, tasks, assignments, and paper evaluations concerning controlled environment agriculture profoundly demonstrated the prospects of integrating technology with agriculture.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

Venture into this internship with an open mind. The vast applications of data science, especially in sectors like agriculture, are groundbreaking. Your enthusiasm and the knowledge and experience you'll gain at CLIMDES can shape a promising career trajectory. Soak in every learning moment and let your innate passion steer your journey.


Miraculous Udurume

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

During the course of the internship, I gained practical experience in applying machine learning techniques to real-world agricultural problems. This exposure to the intersection of technology and agriculture can be valuable in addressing food security and sustainability challenges. Since the project involved working with diverse data sources, including text and images, I learned how to integrate these different types of data for predictive modeling, which showcase my ability to handle multimodal data effectively.

Furthermore, through this internship, I gained experience in project management, including defining goals, setting timelines, and meeting deliverables. I also developed problem-solving skills by tackling complex issues in the agriculture domain. Lastly, I was able to hone my ability to communicate technical concepts which also helped build my


2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

I had quite many memories during this internship, one that stood out for me was the Open seminar that we partook in, here we got the chance to interact with a professor and this really stood out, because we got some other insights into the project and it was something exciting and a bit terrifying actually

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

Thoroughly understand the project's objectives and goals. Knowing the big picture helps in aligning individual tasks and efforts with the project's overall mission. I would also like to stress the importance of gaining domain knowledge. Understanding the challenges, terminology, and practices is crucial for effective problem-solving. Furthermore, I would like to encourage interns to engage actively with team members and experts from various disciplines. Effective communication and collaboration are essential for success in multidisciplinary projects. In addition, I would like to advise interns to maintain thorough documentation throughout the project. Well-documented code, experiments, and findings make it easier for others to understand and build upon their work. Lastly, I would like to encourage interns to be passionate about the project and take initiative. Going above and beyond what is expected can lead to more impactful contributions and

personal growth.


Ajayi John

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

During my internship, I gained valuable insights and developed crucial skills, including teamwork, leadership abilities, and the capacity for critical thinking and problem  analysis. I honed my ability to break down complex problems into manageable components, systematically solving each part before integrating them to form a comprehensive solution. Additionally, I embraced the essence of experimentation,  learning to innovate and explore new approaches. The experience also enhanced my proficiency in time management, enabling me to effectively work within set timelines.

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

This internship has significantly contributed to both my personal and professional development. Through networking opportunities, I've expanded my connections and cultivated relationships that are valuable for future endeavors. The experience broadened the scope of my knowledge, providing a deeper understanding of the subject matter. I had always wanted to apply my knowledge to a real-life situation, and CLIMDES internship provided me such opportunity. 

Engaging in the process of writing a research paper during this period has not only enhanced my academic skills but also instilled tenacity in tackling complex problems. I've come to appreciate that every single idea, no matter how small, holds importance and contributes to the overall solution. Moreover, the emphasis on organization and documentation has ingrained a sense of professionalism in my approach, ensuring that I adhere to high standards in all aspects of my work.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

I had so many memorable moments during the period of the internship, from the open seminar sessions to the peer reviews and insights from Professionals in the field. But one that stood out the most was working with my team (being able to lead and allow myself to be led) – we had a mixture of work and fun. We enjoyed working together, and each person’s breakthrough was the joy of all.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

Due diligence in what you do and the ability to commit to a cause is of utmost importance to succeed in that cause. Always be ready to learn, unlearn and relearn. Learn to share ideas, for what did not work out from your perspective could be the  foundation to developing a solid solution to a problem. Be open-minded and give your best.


Ayobami Adelani

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

My key takeaways from the internship program were huge. Firstly, I have a better understanding of academic research. Secondly, I was able to review research papers to view their limitations and how my research work could contribute to improving these limitations. Furthermore, I learned more about machine learning techniques like gradient boosting and K-Means++ algorithms.

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

I have been a clinical researcher for over 4 years, limited to clinical trials, biomedical research, and epidemiology, but the experience of the CLIMDES internship program enhanced my research skills as an academic and taught me how to make profound research that would prepare me for graduate school and help me achieve my long-term goal of earning a PhD degree.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

A memorable moment for me during the course of the internship was when my research topic was rejected because it didn't add anything to the sensor placement problem. I was devastated and disappointed, but with the support of my internship coordinators, Judith and Abraham, I was able to overcome this challenging moment and get a unique research proposal that actually contributed to the sensor placement problems.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?


BABAWALE, Sodiq Damilola

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

I gained valuable exposure to applying Machine Learning concepts in the agricultural sector. I developed the ability to balance multiple tasks and deadlines through my engagement in the internship alongside other activities, and learned the importance of teamwork and effective communication in achieving project goals.

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

This experience has greatly contributed to my adaptability, as I had to quickly transition from my comfort zone in machine learning to working in frontend engineering, a field I was less familiar with. Navigating this shift enhanced my ability to learn new skills on the fly and adapt to different roles and responsibilities. It also strengthened my resilience and flexibility, key qualities that will benefit my personal growth and professional journey.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

A memorable moment for me was when I successfully integrated a complex frontend feature into our project, despite having limited experience in frontend engineering. The process was challenging, but it pushed me to rapidly learn and adapt. Completing that project not only boosted my confidence but also highlighted the value of stepping out of my comfort zone to acquire new skills.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

My advice to future interns is to embrace adaptability. You may find yourself working in areas outside your expertise, but that’s where the real growth happens. Be open to learning new skills, actively seek feedback, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Collaboration is key, so make the most of the opportunity to work with your team and contribute to projects beyond your comfort zone.


Ayooluwaposi Olomo

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

How to create a useable product out of a problem statement using your imagination, research, teamwork and drive.

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

Connecting the Strawberry Greenhouse Digital Twin in Unity to my Arduino Humidity/Temperature Sensor so as to get live sensor data. I am currently a beginner at Arduino, I haven’t done that many projects so I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get it to work. I encountered a lot of difficulties in the beginning because I did not have the required hardware but with some tweaks, I was able to get it to work. Every time I look at it, I feel so proud.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

Take every single moment as a learning experience. If you get stuck, do not be afraid to reach out for help. It is okay not to know everything. Keep on pushing even when you feel demotivated and most importantly do not doubt yourself and your abilities. If you put your mind to something, you can accomplish it. Your mentors believe in you but you have to first believe in yourself.


Adeyemo Ridwan Damilare 

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

Enthusiasm and openness to learning new skills are evergreen traits. Communication is the key to success in a professional environment. Although receiving feedback is difficult, it will significantly impact your future actions and decisions. 

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

It has deepened my curiosity and increased my motivation to research and learn in new niches and domains.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

When I was able to optimize database query performance, reducing response time for 1.4+ million sensor records from 600 seconds to 90 seconds.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

Be a risk taker and be ready distill complex information into actionable steps.


Opadotun Taiwo oluwaseun 

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

Personally i have been able to learn new technology and professionally I wish we could publish what we worked.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

Ingesting data into DynamoDB was interesting because I have not interacted with AWS before.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

Work as a team from the onset


Akintan Oreofeluwa Anuoluwapo

1. What were your key takeaways from the internship?

I gained a deep appreciation for the value of digital twins in monitoring and optimizing real-world systems, particularly in the context of controlled Environment Agriculture. This experience highlighted how digital twins can enhance predictive maintenance, improve operational efficiency, and support informed decision-making processes.

2. How has this experience contributed to your personal and professional development?

This experience has significantly contributed to my development by teaching me how to integrate machine learning models into digital twin software for system optimization. Additionally, I gained hands-on experience working with AWS, which inspired me to pursue AWS Cloud Practitioner certifications to further enhance my skills in cloud computing. These new competencies have broadened my technical expertise and deepened my understanding of modern technological solutions.

3. Could you share a memorable moment or project that stood out for you?

The most memorable experience was exchanging ideas with other interns during our Huddle sessions. Watching ideas evolve from their raw form into refined, actionable plans was incredibly inspiring. It was a great learning opportunity to see how collaborative brainstorming can lead to innovative solutions, and it highlighted the importance of teamwork and diverse perspectives in problem-solving.

4. What advice would you give to future interns joining CLIMDES?

My advice to future interns is to come prepared and be ready to dedicate significant time and effort to ensure your success and productivity. Be open to learning new things and unlearning old habits, as the experience will challenge and expand your skillset. Most importantly, trust the process, stay curious, and embrace the learning journey—it will be both rewarding and transformative.

What to be the next intern?